放下就是快乐 在闹市中修行 色难 人间佛教的人情味 孝的故事
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  Every existence is reasonable:We may all have heard the following saying: Every existence is reasonable. Indeed, anyone or anything is acceptable from a macro perspective.


  When we are thinking or doing something, there is always a ground colour that tints our mind which is made up of our different temperament, character, education and so on. Therefore, if we come to know somebody's ground colour, we can understand and accept them more when they say or do something. Likewise, we may understand ourselves better the reason why we think or act one way or another.


  We may, sometimes, be impatient with people for they do not meet our expectations. Actually, it is just because what they do or say conflicts with our ground colour. We all have had such experience.


  If we can recognize the common ground colour of every existence, we will solve different problems easily. We should learn the wisdom from the wise and enlightened ones. Why? Simply because they unveil or offer us the ground colour of our heart: Everything is inherently pure and perfect in nature.


  Such a right view guides us how to use our heart and helps us purify and perfect the ground colour of our heart all at once. They compassionately offer us a place where we can rest our heart. If we determine to keep this ground colour, no matter what happens to us, we could respect and accept it, rather than being led by the nose.

  来自慈法法师的『生命之光 阳光早餐』


  原标题:阳光早餐 | 对存在的观察

  Original title:Light of LifeSunshine Breakfast|
